2013. március 28., csütörtök

A Gilmore Girls legkeményebb monológja. Mélységesen át tudom érezni, pedig én csak az életem 1/5ét éltem le Medveggyel.
Yes and what do you know about being a wife? You've been married for what - 40 days? That's nothing. Your father and I have been married for over 40 years. For 2/3 of my life, I have been the wife of Richard Gilmore. I run his household. I plan his meals. I buy his clothes, entertain his business associates. When he loses his reading glasses, I find them. When he wants a nightcap, I make it for him. If he can't remember the name of a colleague's wife, I whisper it in his ear. That's what I do - I take care of him. That's my job. That's who I am. If I could be performing his surgery right now, I would be, but I can't - it's out of my hands. It's out of my hands, and there's nothing I can do but wait. I could lose him, Lorelai. He's my whole life, and there's nothing I can do!

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